Tuesday, September 8, 2015

We are a Growth Mindset Classroom

What is a growth mindset? 
A person with a growth mindset believes that abilities can be developed through commitment and hard work. 

This is different from a fixed mindset belief that our basic qualities (our intelligence and talents) are fixed traits that cannot be changed. 

Research has shown that people who believe they can learn, who recognize that hard work pays off, and that minor setbacks lead to more growth  can actually rewire their brains! 

Our 10 Growth Mindset Beliefs
1. I can learn anything because I was born to learn.
2. I can train my brain through practice.
3. I can choose my thoughts when things are hard.

4. I know failure is an important part of success.
5. I take ownership of my mistakes and learn from them.

6. I do not let setbacks keep me from accomplishing goals.

7. I believe that I can do hard things.
8. I take charge of my own learning. 
9. I encourage others to have a growth mindset.
10. I celebrate my own growth progress. 
Although we will be wrapping up our Growth Mindset Lessons this week, the classroom environment provides the perfect setting for continuing to discuss these beliefs. When math gets challenging or we have to push ourselves to revise our stories in writing, we will remind ourselves of how growth minded people respond to challenges!

~Mrs. Roose

* Credits: I am using Growth Mindset Materials written by Angela Watson.